

Headshot of Mandy Archibald

Mandy Archibald, Ph. D., B. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Arvelle Balon-Lyon

Arvelle Balon-Lyon, B. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Sharon Chadwick

Sharon Chadwick, B. Sc. inf., M. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Greta Cummings

Greta Cummings, Ph. D., inf. aut., FCAHS, FAAN

Headshot of Wendy Duggleby

Wendy Duggleby, Ph. D., inf. aut., AOCN

Headshot of Margaret Edwards

Margaret Edwards, Ph. D., inf. aut.

Headshot of Colette Foisy-Doll

Colette Foisy-Doll, M. Sc. inf., inf. aut., CHSE

Headshot of Judy Hanson

Judy Hanson, M. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Jean Harrowing

Jean Harrowing, Ph. D., inf. aut.

Headshot of Sandra Hirst

Sandra Hirst, Ph. D., inf. aut., CSIG(C) 

Headshot of Manal Kleib

Manal Kleib, Ph. D., M. Sc. inf., M.B.A., inf. aut.

Headshot of Janet Lapins

Janet Lapins, B. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Berna Moss

Berna Moss, B. Sc inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Nancy J. Moules

Nancy J. Moules, Ph. D., inf. aut.

Headshot of Sandra Muir Reilly

Sandra Muir Reilly, Ed. D., B. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Beverley O’Brien

Beverley O’Brien, Ph. D., inf. aut.

Headshot of Pauline Paul

Pauline Paul, Ph. D., M. Sc. inf., inf. aut

Headshot of Janice Polley Miller

Janice Polley Miller, B. Sc. inf., inf. aut., ICSC(C)

Headshot of Shahirose Premji

Shahirose Premji, Ph. D., M. Sc. inf., B. Sc., B. Sc inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Kathy Reid

Kathy Reid, M. Sc. inf., IP

Headshot of Shannon Scott

Shannon Scott, Ph. D., M. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Muriel Shewchuk

Muriel Shewchuk

Headshot of Jane Simington

Jane Simington, Ph. D., M. Sc. inf., B. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Judith Spiers

Judith Spiers, Ph. D., M. Sc. inf., inf. aut.

Headshot of Frankie Wong

Frankie Wong, M. Sc. inf., B. Sc. inf., inf. aut.