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  • I've been using the online NCLEX practice tests on Nurses Labs. If you google "nurses labs NCLEX" they should come up. ------------------------------ Jessie Titterton RN, BScN Ontario, Canada ------------------------------

  • Thanks, I tried searching a little on there but couldn't find many recent titles. I did t try searching the specific ones in the bibliographies though so I'll try that. Good luck as well! ------------------------------ Jessie Titterton Carleton Place ...

  • Over the past few years, we have experienced an acceleration in climate-related weather events across Canada. Currently, our team is conducting the study: "Nurses' Experiences of Caring for Older People during Climate-Related Weather Events in Canadian ...

  • I also write my certification exam (Gerontology) in May and I am looking for resources such as practice exams to help me prepare as well! I am yet to find any beyond the one CNA has available. ------------------------------ Nkemakonam Esther Egberuare ...

  • Hi Jessie, I'm studying for the Med Surg Practical Nursing exam in May as well. There's a section in your profile called My Benefits, and a link to Proquest Ebook Central - Apply Online. (https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/mycna-ebooks/home.action) ...

  • Which exam? For emerg, NENA has a great set of slides, and for critical care the CC association has some too. ------------------------------ Stefanie Pletscher Powell River BC ------------------------------

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  • Hi, I write my certification exam in May and am just wondering if anyone has suggestions for good online study resources. I'm looking for short online practice quizzes I can do. I know CNA provides the 100 question practice exam but it's very long ...