Stellar Certification Program

Stellar Certification Program

The Stellar Certification Program recognizes health-care facilities for their workplace excellence. The program, which launched with a focus on long-term care (LTC) homes, is national in scope and the only one of its kind in Canada. Stellar certification for acute care is in development and will be available soon.

LTC and acute care facilities can become Stellar certified by showing adherence to the six Stellar standards and passing the application process.

The Stellar program will recognize health-care facilities that:

  • Promote workplace safety
  • Follows best staffing practices with the right mix of nursing expertise and roles
  • Support nurses’ development through education and professional development
  • Ensure an inclusive workforce that reflects Canada’s diverse population

Stellar Standards

  • Nursing voice
  • Leadership & excellence
  • Education & career progression
  • Resourcing
  • Practice environment
  • Optimizing care

Certifying health-care facilities that support nurses:

  • Helps nurses feel supported, engaged and heard
  • Gives potential for increased retention and recruitment
  • Improves nurses’ satisfaction and decreases their burnout
  • Increases credibility and optimizes care delivery