Network Advisory Committee - Terms of Reference

Network Advisory Committee – Terms of Reference

The Network Advisory Committee (NAC) was created in 2016 when the members of the Canadian Network of Nursing Specialties (the Network) recognized the need for self-governance.


The NAC is a standing committee established to provide oversight of the Network’s practices with the objective of ensuring good governance, accountability and transparency. It ensures that the Network fulfills its legal and functional responsibilities through adequate governance policy development, orientation and mentorship of members, educational webinars for members, monitoring of Network activities, and evaluation of the performance of the Network’s regular meetings and the NAC.


The NAC reports to the Network on the matters before the committee.

The NAC’s meeting minutes will be made available to all Network members once approved by the committee.


The NAC will be composed of eight members from the Network. One of the members will always be a representative from the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association.

In determining membership, consideration should be given to the following:

  • The key competencies for membership include strategic thinking, knowledge of governance and change management, as well as knowledge of the Network and the full spectrum of the profession of nursing.
  • The committee should reflect a cross section of the various stakeholder groups and opinions present in the Network.
  • The student member will provide the NAC with a student perspective on the topics discussed.


One of the NAC members will be selected to chair the NAC every two years or as needed.


Monthly meetings will be held by Zoom webinar technology and at the call of the NAC chair in accordance with a timetable that is agreed upon by the committee.

A quorum for any meeting of the committee will be five members.

If a vote is required and there is a tie, the chair will be given a second vote to break the tie.

There will be a recording secretary for all NAC meetings.

Note: If a committee member is absent for more than three meetings in a six-month period, the chair will connect with the member to determine what would be required to facilitate their participation.

Duties and responsibilities

The NAC will ensure effective governance of the Network by:

  • Ensuring the work of the Network is in keeping with the vision and mission as outlined.
  • Establishing annual priorities.
  • Developing and implementing a communication strategy to effectively promote the work of the Network.
  • Ensuring an annual review of governance policies and procedures such as application for membership and annual membership renewals.
  • Approving applications for membership to the Network of a new national nursing association.
  • Supporting the development of recommended processes for nursing student recruitment for member associations and CNA committees.
  • Establishing effective methods of communicating the business of CNA among the Network members.
  • Ongoing evaluation of the orientation process for incoming presidents and designates.
  • Advising on and facilitating educational webinars.
  • Evaluating the performance of the Network as a whole, working groups/committees, and Network representatives.
  • Recognizing the contribution of individual Network members.
  • Providing oversight to the strategic plan for the Network.
  • Providing oversight to the succession planning for the NAC.


Two years, with the option for a second term. One year for the student representative.